Jul 16, 2009

Crocheted Wire Button Necklaces

Check out our brand new Crocheted Wire Button Necklaces! 

Each one is totally unique and absolutely FABULOUS! The necklaces come in a wide variety of     colours and can be made  to order. Whatever the occasion... adorn yourself in buttons!!

Crocheted Wire Button Bracelets are also available. Pics will  be posted soon... 

Watch This Space!! :-)

Mar 11, 2009

Button Badges!

These cute badges were one of many 'Nutton But Buttons' products on sale at February's Dublin Flea Market. Come and check out more of our button-ware at this months Flea, on the 29th March. We've got vintage button bracelets, button earrings, button studs, button greeting cards and more...

Mar 5, 2009

And so the Buttons Began....

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